Make Your Business SMS/Text Friendly
2way SMS With Prospects and Clients: The Fast, Efficient, Preferred Communication Method
Many People Prefer Texting
Make it fast, easy and comfortable for people to contact you and get info or support with 2-way SMS

Easy, Regular Communication
Efficient and Effective
Whether it's a member info, a promotion, information request, sales process or customer support, using 2way SMS/texting is fast, delivered directly to phones and actually read to get results.
If your business has incoming callers who are being put on hold for extended time periods you have frustrated people or hang ups to deal with (or lose). When it is an 800# line your business has unnecessary costs with bigger phone bills from all the cumulative hold time.
Slash the incoming phone call wait times, and the phone costs, by offering SMS/text friendly contact. Your staff can handle multiple chats at once and no one is on hold getting upset and costing you money. A chat agent can even pick up a chat at any time where it was left off with ease.
95% of Texts Are Read in Under 5 Minutes
You cannot beat the speed and deliverability of SMS/texts
No matter what mobile device people use we make the customer & chat agent experience instant, efficient & fast (with no special phone app needed).
Also, why struggle with multiple inbound phone calls and putting people on hold when many customers would rather text than talk?
Give People What They Want
Many people who want to communicate will use SMS/texting, if you offer it

Text Chat Management Made Easy
Add 2way SMS to your Business Phone or SMS Specific Number
We can upgrade your business phone number to include SMS receive and send (2way), or use a new SMS specific phone number to manage incoming and outgoing SMS chats and notices.

Business Development
Privacy, security and convenience for you and your customers while increasing the ease and effenciency of communication for everyone.
For sales and support 2way SMS is the easiest, fastest, most efficient, most accessible process and we make it usable for your business.
How It Works
Send, Receive, Manage SMS Messaging from your computer or Phone

Computer Dashboard Interface
Multiple chat, multiple agent interface
Whenever the admin or chat agent is using the web based, advanced chat dashboard, a popup and sound cue will occur alerting of a new chat reply or new chat received.
Alert sounds can be, Verbal Alerts, Bass Door Knocks, Cat Meows, Dog Barks, Bells, and Pops. These sounds work on desktops, tablets, and mobile phones because you can manage 2way chats on any device.

On Phone Notifications
Manage chats away from your computer
SMS to chat Agent notifications
Admins or a chat agent receives a text message that a new chat conversation has been received, on their phone or computer. The message contains all the customer's information, along with a quick link to reply from the chat agents' mobile device using the system for reply NOT the agent's personal phone number.

5 Different ways a customer chat can be initiated
- Text in a keyword to begin specific chat,
- Simple text to number to begin a chat,
- Chat Widget on website to begin a chat,
- Scan a QR code to automate SMS launch/send,
- Agent initiates outgoing chat

Common considerations
Text Chat Business Development
Why not use a company mobile phone for 2way SMS?
- not a secure process for the customer information
- difficult to manage multiple chats at one time
- can't handle multiple agents
- ties up a mobile device (which can get lost)
- can't send out to well managed lists of subscribers
- and lots more downsides.
Thousands of businesses need to communicate better with their customers!
Why struggle with inbound phone calls when many customers would rather text than talk. It sounds crazy, but it's TRUE.
You can text enable your business and start using business 2way chat with customers today.
Member Based Organizations
Finally have a guaranteed way to ensure your messages, news, updates, last minute changes and event notices actually get delivered and read.
Clubs, churches, property managers, sports teams, political campaigns, convention organizers etc. get communicating in a secure, guaranteed way.
Everyone self subscribes and can cancel at anytime. Secure permission based 2way SMS/text communication made easy.
Businesses Benefit
Your most profitable asset is your customer list. Stay in touch, make support easy, offer special deals and important news right to their phone (they asked you to).
Your second most profitable asset is future customers inquiring about doing business with you. Make it easy for them and you via 2way SMS/texting.

Do You Know...
- Is your website SMS/text friendly?
- Do You Know? Businesses are inundated with various methods to generate & communicate with customers, but they have abandoned the most powerful tool that has been around for decades.
- Would you like to make your business SMS friendly?
- Do You Know? Businesses have forgotten about the personal touch when dealing with their customer's needs. It all boils down to one simple thing...Communication.
- Have you thought about using SMS to build more sales?
- Do You Know? Millennial customers are more inclined not to contact businesses via phone for conversation, instead, they will find another medium.
- Have you thought about text enabling your business number (ie. Call or Text Us)?
- Do You Know? Many customers would rather text you than call you. With texting, the customer feels more control over their buying habits vs getting sold on something they don't want via phone call. Texting also avoids all the time consuming pleasantries or chit chat when people are busy.
- Have you seen any of your customers texting while in your store?
- Did you know that you can sell your products by using SMS on your website?
- We have 1000's of clients using text chat, webchat, and chatbots. The numbers tell the whole story. Yes, you will see more tire-kickers with webchat and messenger. Making your advertising 4X less effective.
- What would you say if you could increase your close rate by fourfold?
- Do You Know? A customer who texts a business, is 4 times more likely than any other communication method, to buy a product. Our studies have shown 1 in 3 will buy no matter how expensive the product is!